Section 3 - Your Home Page
Pain/Problem Statement
This section points out the unique problem that you resolve, and the you’re your ideal client is experiencing because of it. (Pain points should be things you are able to easily solve!)
A good example of a pain/problem statement for a menopausal avatar might be: ‘Are your menopausal symptoms ruling your life?’ This identifies the problem (menopausal symptoms) AND the pain it causes (unable to fully enjoy life).
More examples of pain/problem statements:
- Are you feeling tired and less than your best?
- Have you lost the ability to focus or think clearly?
- Are you tired of having constantly interrupted sleep?
- Is constant worry keeping you up at night?
- Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to get anything done?
- Is your low mood ruining your relationships?
- Has low libido caused a rift in your relationship?
- Are your menopausal symptoms making intimacy a thing of the past?
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